Армянская Легенда - Armenian Legend

In ancient times when proud Romans possessed the half of the world an ancient country Nairi was spread over in lofty mountains. Unassailable mountains became the borders of the country and from East and West it was protected by fortresses. But the time was ripe and Romans came to it. They besieged one of the fortresses but could not take it by storm. The time lasted but the fortress resisted. Then the Roman commander which was at fault of force and endurance of Armenian warriors offered an agreement. In return he demanded to reveal the secret of Armenians which food gave them strength and which moisture wet their lips. Armenians showed Romans a food which was kept in coolness of cleft of mountains and called it in a singsong: sudzhuh and basturma. And water was taken in underground springs which are still widely spread in Armenia. OTHER ARMENIAN LEGENDS Did you know that we have two very impressive legends in Armenian history? Haig the Hero and Ara the Handsome (also c
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