[30fps Full風] Love Words 愛言葉 “AI KOTOBA“ - 初音ミク Hatsune Miku DIVA English Romaji subtitles
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The Japanese language “39“ has three readings.
(1) 3 9 = SAN KYUU = Thank you.
(2) 3 9 = MI KU = Miku.
(3) 3 9 = SAN JYUU KYUU = thirty nine. (Normal)
Note: All japanese miku fans love the number 39.( ・∀・)/
Note: SEGA concert name “39’s“ is (1)SAN (2)KU s = Thanks.( ・∀・)/
( DECO*27 VOCALOID ボーカロイド ボカロ words of love Project DIVA Dreamy theater 2nd & extend DT English lyrics romaji subtitles モジュールチェンジ Change outfit 初音ミク 巡音ルカ 鏡音リン 鏡音レン Hatsune Miku Megurine Luka Kagamine Rin Kagamine Len googoo888 )