The Exorcist “March“

Exorcist (live) song “March“ by Victoria Unikel группа Экзорцист “Марш“ Виктория Уникель lyrics Russian/English МАРШ Они подвижники правды Они святые служители Бога Духовные слуги простого народа, Земные враги Люцифера. Они погибали за веру, Они не боялись ни мук, ни гонений. И кротко, смиренно покинули кельи, Молясь, уходили на казнь. Одержимые фанаты зверски подняли террор. Омерзительные акты, вандализм и произвол, Атеистская расправа, мясорубка из людей, Кто вам дал такое право самозваных палачей?! По трупам шагом марш, марш. Свят, свят, свят еси. По трупам шагом марш, марш. Боже, Богородицей помилуй нас. Лицемерьем, обжигая путь спасения души, Церкви, символы взрывали, святый образ омрачив. Истребили невиновных, истязая и глумясь, Обесчестили духовных, отбирая Божью власть. По трупам шагом марш, марш. Свят, свят, свят еси. По трупам шагом марш, марш. Боже, Богородицей помилуй нас. По трупам шагом марш, марш. Свят, свят, свят еси. По трупам шагом марш, марш. Боже, Богородицей помилуй нас. MARCH They are ascetics of the truth, They are holy attendants of God, Spiritual servants of ordinary people, Lucifer’s worldly foes. For faith from among us they passed, They were not afraid of anguish and pangs, So meekly and humbly they left their cells, With prayer their trial they met. Brutal terror is accepted by those freaky ridden fans. They perform their vandal actions outrage and repulsive acts. Bloody deadly slaughter-house and atheistic violence, Who has given you the license to be self-styled torturers? Through slaughter – forward, march, march. Holy, holy, holy art Thou. Through slaughter – forward, march, march. God, let Your Mother have mercy on us. Scorched was by hypocrisy the blessed salvation of the soul, Churches and the sacred symbols meant to them nothing at all. Scoffing, torturing and jeering, they have killed the innocents, And the clerics all were smeared while stripping God’s ascendancy. Chorus: Through slaughter – forward, march, march. Holy, holy, holy art Thou. Through slaughter – forward, march, march. God, let Your Mother have mercy on us. This is a story about faith. A story about persecution. A story about a world where the idea of God is misunderstood. It is an allegory that matters now as much as I did in the past. And it will matter for many decades to come. The scandalous team behind the European music sensation The Exorcist, headed by Victoria Unikel, now brings to you a new project. Partnering with an international co-op of artists, illustrators and actors, combining music and exclusive fashion, we give you a new graphic novel hero - The Exorcist. Sexy and tough, she fights the forces of evil and darkness by bringing together different religions into a single force of light. Join us on this journey!
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