Wally World - Creating a 6/8 feel in 4/4
Walfredo Reyes, Jr. teaches how to create a 6/8 feel within 4/4.
Wally’s LP Inspired Kit:
22“ Kick Drum w/ double pedal
14“ Snare
M258 - Matador Barrio Timbales
LP3020 - 20“ Aluminum. Surdo
LP3018 - 18“ Wood Surdo
LP1314-GIO – Giovanni Series Timbales
ES-12 – LP Salsa Cha Cha Bell
ES-6 – LP Salsa Uptown Timbale Bell
LP1207 – LP Jamblock
LP793X-C LP Galaxy Giovanni Series Wood Bongos
LP845-K & LP236T - Mini Timbales on the Super Mount-All Bracket
LP193B - Click Hi-Hat tambourine
LP388N & LP204A - Gajate Br