(8 Jul 1995) Russian/Nat Peace talks resumed in the Chechen capital Grozny Saturday between Russian negotiators and Chechen rebels. The talks had almost been derailed by the murder of eight Chechen civilians Friday, allegedly by Russian soldiers. Russian President Boris Yeltsin says he will personally head an inquiry into the killings. Hundreds of angry Chechens demonstrated outside the Russian Chechen peace talks in Grozny Saturday, accusing Russian soldiers of murdering an innocent Chechen family Friday and demanding independence for their small republic. Despite all the killing that has gone on in Russia’s six-month war with breakaway Chechnya, Friday’s killings of eight people including four children on a farm north of Grozny touched a nerve and set off impassioned demonstrations. The murders came during peace talks and an unofficial ceasefire, and allegedly resulted from a looting raid. Today was declared a day of mourning in Chechnya
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