(22 Jan 1995) Russian/Nat Russian forces have switched their attack from the centre of the Chechen capital Grozny to its southern outskirts. Villages south of the city have also come under attack on Sunday. APTV cameras have been following some of the Russian troops as they care for their wounded and prepare for battle. Sporadic fighting continues in Grozny itself, with Russian armour pouring in to try to flush out isolated pockets of Chechen fighters. The Chechens are soon expected to start launching guerilla raids from mountains in the south of the rebel republic. Moscow has ruled out a ceasefire - a decision backed by Russian troops on the ground in Chechnya. SOUNDBITE: “Nobody wants to leave until the job is done.“ SUPER CAPTION: “Sergei“, Russian soldier (Russian) A brief respite in the fighting in Grozny yesterday (Saturday) gave the Russians a chance to care for their wounded.
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