Derrota de la Armada Inglésa 1589 - Defeat of the English Armada 1589

● LA DERROTA DE LA ARMADA INGLESA 1589 - THE DEFEAT OF THE ENGLISH ARMADA 1589 - The English Armada campaign of 1589; also called the Counter Armada or the Drake-Norris Expedition, was made up of at least 146 vessels, (at least 20 more than Spain’s Armada the previous year), and was sent to the Spanish and Portuguese coast by Queen Elizabeth I of England in 1589. The doomed English Armada was led by Sir Francis Drake as Admiral and Sir John Norreys as General. - Queen Elizabeth sent her English Armada in a vain attempt to drive home any advantage England had by default gained through the failure of the Spanish Armada the previous year. The English Armada of 1589 had 3 distinct aims: 1. Burn the Spanish Atlantic fleet as Spanish Armada losses were minimal. 2. Land at Lisbon, raise a revolt there against Philip II (Philip I of Portugal), & to continue south & establish a permanent English base in the Az
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