Love video3

All Love is in God Almighty YAHOVAH, amen. Are you wondering if the love of your life is on Facebook? For all on Facebook who have fallen into sin, amen. It’s Your Time for Miracles. It’s time for miracles to happen in your life! The Scriptures give power and dominion over 100-plus times. Learn to use the phrase “ STOP BEING THE VICTIM OF satan and this world. “ Call for Prayer: We Can Help. Have you been beaten? Have you been forced? Have you been raped? It’s all about Faith. The time is 1:8 The Holy Spirit will come upon true believers, amen. We can change! Please send your donations to $ProphetMikael or mail them to Nazarene Ministry C/O Pastor Whitlock, 3225 S Pecos Rd, No. 249, Las Vegas, NV 89121. Call for prayer at 702-588-9237. Production manager: Daniel Potts. #prayers #america #isra
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