The illusion of time : past, present and future all exist together

This is a nonprofit & educational excerpt from the documentary “The Fabric of The Cosmos “. ---- Please don’t be misled by some comments below. This video does not say we can see future. It says Einstein’s mathematical theory -tested by clock experiment- also tells us that future and past always exist like the present! However, this does not necessitate pre-destination. “Now“ is not deterministic as we know from Quantum Mechanics, so neither future nor past! Click to understand Quantum Mechanics. Wave functions evolve as time goes by. However, time does not collapse wave functions; observation collapses wave functions. Your wave function (which represents you) corresponding to your future has not collapsed yet. It will collapse in the future. As things in your life are probabilistic right now, they are probabilistic in the future too. Your past wave function has collapse
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