TF2 Real Life Sentry Gun Arduino 3D Printed/Cardboard
This is an electronic project that I have been working on for the past few months. It consists of an Arduino micro controller, ultrasonic sensors, servo motors, an Adafruit audio fx sound board, a speaker, LEDs, and other components. I wasn’t counting, but I reckon that I have spent around 400-500 hours on this project. That covers gathering images and information, making the parts, designing the parts, fitting the parts, wiring up the components, writing the code, debugging, painting the sentry, and adding finishing touches.
Music/Soundtracks Used:
Team Fortress 2 - Playing With Danger (Extended Edit of the training clip soundtrack for the steel map)
Half-Life 1/2 - Diabolical Adrenaline Guitar/Lambda Core By Kelly Bailey
Half-Life 2 - CP Violation & CP Violation Remix By Kelly Bailey
Team Fortress 2 - More Gun (Version 1)
I do not own this music. It is from Valve’s Team Fortress 2 and Half-Life 1 & 2. Their video policy states that one can use their content in a monetized youtube video.