Finalmente postando meu cover com o harpejji de uma das icônicas músicas de taverna da OST de TESV: Skyrim - The Bannered Mare.
Originalmente tocada por violão, decidi tocá-la no harpejji justamente por ser tecnicamente desafiadora além de, é claro, gostar da música original.
Entretanto, assim como fiz no outro cover da Out of the Cold, foi possível executá-la e gostei do resultado!
Gravei o som ambiente, então ao fundo pode-se ouvir alguns pássaros comuns em minha cidade como bem-te-vi e, acredito, cambacica.
Espero que gostem!
A seguir, apenas para quem conhece os jogos do The Elder Scrolls, tomei a liberdade de incluir também como contexto esse... hmm.. inquestionavelmente legítimo relato encontrado no jogo.
De “Songs of Tamriel: research travel report #37“:
4th of Evening Star, 4E 203
During my research trips for my upcoming book, Songs of Tamriel, I met this bard who was writing lyrics for his next song.
When asked about the story behind it, he agreed to tell as long as he remained anonymous (for now, at least). Below is the transcript of his answer:
There I was, in this inn called The Bannered Mare.
It was still early for presentations, so after having breakfast, I started to work on my repertoire.
In the meanwhile, someone came in.
“By the Divines!” I said to myself.
Although I had only heard of him through tales or legends, there he was: the Dragonborn.
Before I tell you what happened next, you should know that there was a time when I lived on the streets, so I know what it is to starve, to have to steal so you can feed your family. Oh, the shame.
Moving on, there he was, the Dragonborn.
And at first glance, I thought he had not noticed me, but then I saw the look in his eyes.
That smirk on his face.
That was the face of a man who knew what he was doing - it was just for pleasure.
He stole my sweet roll.
And before I could even say anything, he was gone.
That was the first time he did it, but not the last. He proceeded to repeat this treacherous deed for the following days.
As a proper citizen of Whiterun, trustful of the criminal justice system, I decided to notify the guards.
Do you know what they said?
Ah, my blood boils as I remember.
“He is the thane of the city, so there is nothing we can do.”
I was infuriated.
I decided to take justice into my own hands.
Two days later, there I was, once again, enjoying my meal. This time, however, there were other customers around.
“Witnesses, excellent!” I thought.
I asked the innkeeper for a sweet roll. It was the last one, freshly baked, she said. Its thick, creamy frosting was still melting from its heat, running down by the sides. And its smell... oh, delightful.
But I had to resist.
I placed it nearby, on the counter.
You may think: “why would you leave such a delicacy once again unattended?”
Well, it was part of my plan. I intended to trick that vile outlaw into stealing it so I could unarguably confront him.
After a few moments, close to noon, he finally arrived - and as expected, he did it.
Apparently, I was the only one concerned about the theft because as I looked around, no one seemed to notice or care.
Angry, I got up, grabbed the first thing I saw - a table knife - and went after him as he left. Outside of the tavern, I was about to interrogate him but then...
… I’m not sure about what happened. For some reason, the sound of a powerful voice or perhaps thunder came to my mind.
I blacked out.
Minutes, maybe hours passed - I cannot recall.
“Hey, you’re finally awake!” someone said.
My senses slowly came back to me.
From a small crowd gathered around me, I heard someone say that they had never seen a man being thrown into the sky that high and live to tell the story.
Anyway, months passed.
I could not bring the so-called dovahkiin to justice, but at least I learned to keep my sweet rolls close so they never would be stolen again.
After these events, I knew I had to register this facet of the Dragonborn somehow - and that is why I decided to write lyrics for an old song of mine. It will be called The Bannered Mare.
The bard then let me listen to, as he called it, the initial version of the song. It started like this:
Oh, Dovahkiin,
What do you want from me?
You have stolen my roll
it was sweet; now it’s gone
Oh, Dovahkiin,
Don’t you know, don’t you see?
You’ll pay for your crimes
Just give it time
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