Leo’s Marine Aquarium - Fish Only Tank 20170424 - FOWLR (fish only with live rock)

Angel Fish as follows -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bandit Angelfish (15 cm) Bandit Angelfish (10 cm) Conspicuous Angelfish (17 cm) Gold-spotted Angelfish (14 cm) Gold-spotted Angelfish (9 cm) Regal Angelfish (11.5 cm) Regal Angelfish (8.5 cm) Blue Angelfish (13 cm) Flame Angelfish (8 cm) Flame Angelfish (6 cm) Scribbled Angelfish (16 cm) Three-spot Angelfish (14 cm) Rock Beauty Angelfish (13 cm) Bi-color Angelfish (7.5 cm) Blue-girdled Angelfish (9 cm) Black-velvet Angelfish (8 cm) Blue-spotted Angelfish (8 cm) Purple-mask angelfish (7 cm) Purple-mask angelfish (5 cm) Butterfly Fish as follows -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hawaiian Butterfly-fish (12 cm) Hawaiian Butterfly-fish (11 cm) Blue-cheek Butterfly-fish (14 cm) Blue-cheek Butterfly-fish (6 cm) Surgeon Fish as follows -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Achilles tang (11 cm) Wrasse Fish as follows -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Striped Cleaner Wrasse (6.5 cm) Damsel Fish as follows -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clown fish - Female (6 cm) Male Al lard’s clownish (10 cm) Female Al lard’s clownish (5 cm) Hawkish as follows -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flame Hawkish (5 cm)
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