The Cowboy in Chicago, IL fighting crime massage for the kids /Chicago has a crime problem

The Cowboy in Chicago, IL fighting crime massage for the kids /Chicago has a crime problem. Hollingsworth was arrested in September 2020 after disrupting traffic on the Dan Ryan Expressway while galloping his horse, Nunu, amid rush hour traffic in an act of civil disobedience he said was intended to draw attention to gun violence against children. On Jan 22, 2022, a cowboy rides his home on the streets, and Chicago High was the “Dan Ryan Expressway“ to make people aware of Chiden issues and the rising crime rate in Chicago. The cowboy did ride his hours on the “Dan Ryan Expressway for miles, and he was arrested for unlawful having a house on the highway and animal cruelty for having his horse walking on cement. The City of Chicago and the CPD Chicago Police Department aerated him, and he went to court. However, the cowboy won his legal car and was given his horse back. He wants to help Chicago by bringing crime awareness / Note rode one of his horses, NuNu, onto the Dan Ryan Expressway in S
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