WOW Solo Whale Shark Kill

Hey all This is my video of my kill of the epicly sized Whale Shark on Vash’jir. It was done on my main character Wizzit (lvl 85 Hunter) on Stormrage EU server. After seeing a couple of videos showing groups of a few people killing the beast i wanted to try and kill it solo. I must stress I did get some help in this video but i never asked for it and i do not know the character who joined me atall. After the shaman known as Shazma (lvl 83) had spent a small period of time helping me kill this monster i figured it only fair he recieve the achievement aswell, so being the nice person I am i did invite him to the party towards the end. As you can see I kite the Whale shark entierly by myself and had I not been helped it is very obvious I would have killed the beast myself, it would have just taken a little longer.
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