Existence no longer exists .

The shells of long-abandoned artificial stars, held together by autonomous anti-expansionary devices, were destined to fade into obscurity along with the rest of the universe. It was only a matter of time before the corpse of the Laniakea supercluster followed suit to make space for a new cYCLE. gOds are dead, the cYCLE is broken. theY tried to be iT. theY wanted to free themselves from their finite torture. finding the horrifying truth of their existence with a forcefully finite painted INFINITY of iterations. tHEY created it to find the solution, theY did. you just haven’t gotten to that point yet. tHEY are now infinite INFINITY, with a finite original goal of theirS. with noonE to see iTS infinite torture They made for iT in iTS infinite portrait of inlimitation. forever alone in an instant of ITS, IT paints and paints, not knowing the nonexistent palette of iT is just another iteration of IT in an infinite fractal of instantless existence with an end as finite as infinity. #analoghorror :)
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