The Hardest Spelunky Run Ever: Hitless!? (Max Pacifist Low% Hell)
--Spelunky HD No Gold Haunted Max Pacifist Low% Hell World First Completion (41:)
What a dream run! This is one of the 5 most daunting challenges I set my eyes upon for Spelunky HD, and it wasn’t the one I expected to clear first. This seed was especially disastrous in the late game, with some brutally scary Temple and Hell levels. It’s also worth noting that the Olmec in this category is a tremendous challenge by itself, and the Yama fight has the potential to go south very quickly.
Despite all the hardship though, I somehow came out of it without taking a single hit. There’s pretty much no mistakes in this run either, so this will probably stand tall as my best challenge run to date.
This category is a mouthful, so here’s a quick breakdown:
No Gold -- Collecting any money is forbidden. Score must remain at $0.
Haunted -- Must complete the Haunted Castle.
Max -- Must complete the Worm and the Mothership.
Pacifist -- For Hell runs, you must never rec