DIY Art Paper Doll Merida | Mixed Media Brave Art - #LoveSummerArt

How to make a Mixed Media Merida Art Paper Doll with a DIY no sew doll dress. A magical Fairy Tale Altered Playing card doll using a variety of different mediums. She is cute adorned with a handmade DIY tissue skirt, darling face made with acrylics, watercolors, inks and distress stains. She is finished off with a collage of an old vintage book page, lace scrap and pieces of a prima flower to her skirt. She reminds me of Merida from the disney movie “Brave“. Submission for #LoveSummerArt Creative Arts Collaboration CAC hastag event for May 2016 A fun ACTIVE group to join is Anne Williamson’s group check it out: WEBSITE BLOG & NEWSLETTER: • More Free Tutorials: ❤❤❤Follow me❤❤❤ website and blog: ❤❤❤CONNECT WITH ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA ❤❤❤ FACEBOOK
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