Yat-Kha / 2003 - Coming Buddha
animation: Maldoror, Budapest, 2009
You are ill, almost dead,
And can’t hear your own (?) …
The soul will leave your body,
And don’t seem to do other things.
Coming Buddha Maitreya.
Coming Buddha Maitreya.
Om mani padme hum…
Om mani padme hum…
???… eternal fire
Doesn’t ease your pain.
Young sisters will call you
At the end of the day
Coming Buddha Maitreya.
Coming Buddha Maitreya.
Om mani padme hum…
Om mani padme hum… Ooo...
You will rise to the sky,
And you’ll see your own soul
… dream (?)
Foretells disaster for yo
...u. Ooo...
Coming Buddha Maitreya.
Coming Buddha Maitreya.
Om mani padme hum… Om mani padme hum…
(Thanks to: Steven Zhurynbayev)
Yat-Kha is a band from Tuva, led by vocalist/guitarist Albert Kuvezin. Their music is a mixture of Tuvan traditional music and rock, featuring Kuvezin’s distinctive kaShow more