Learn how to make poolish croissant, double fermentation, 47% hydration recipe

Hi friends :) The poolish/sourdough croissant recipe is finally here, Against all odds😂 After many experiments, I settled on the 15% poolish version, I think this recipe has just the right amount of preferments to achieve that sensational flavor without being too tangy. 5-3-2 lamination system is also introduced in the video, featuring an English lock-in, a single fold, and a 2 fold. It actually creates the same number of layers as 3-4-3! This is a three-day process, takes a little more time and patience, but they’re really worth it. #croissants #Poolish #sourdoughcroissant Follow me on Instagram! 👉👈 You can send me pictures or ask questions. I check’em every day! Poolish (day 1): 75g Water 75g Bread flour (11.8% protein) 1g fresh yeast/ instant dry Croissant dough (day 2): 425g Bread flour (11.8% protein) 160g Water 55g Brown sugar 10g Salt 40g Butter 24g
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