Hello, How are you? - Miku Hatsune ( Cosplay PV )

LIKE / FAVE AND SHARE the video! Like Miku / Pichu’s Facebook page! Like my Facebook page to follow my other work! FOLLOW PICHU COSPLAY ON TWITTER: #!/PichuCosplay So this is our 3rd vocaloid cosplay PV. Some thoughts: I really enjoyed doing this one. It wasn’t that challenging since I knew what I wanted to do. However I didn’t expect that I would have problems with syncing the video and audio during edit. The song I used during the filming (for our Miku to follow while singing) was a cover and it had a different tone and feel with the original. Our Miku also had problems, she didn’t know the lyrics that well. So you’ll probably see some faults in lipsync which isn’t a big problem at all. Even though the video isn’t perfect, we always try to improve from our previous videos. Look out for our next PV
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