What is Carbon Footprint? - Environmental Science for Kids | Educational Videos by Mocomi

presents: What is Carbon Footprint? Do you know what is carbon footprint and how to reduce it? Your Carbon Footprint is the amount of Carbon Dioxide and Methane gas you release into the environment by consuming energy. Most energy produced in the world is done by burning fossil fuels such as petroleum and gas. You may not experience it directly but everything you do requires energy. You need petrol to create energy to drive your car, gas to light your stove, and even the paper you write on in school requires energy to be transformed from wood to books. There is no clean way to burn fossil fuels. No matter how you do it, you will produce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in the process. Hence, Your carbon footprint is the total amount of carbon dioxide and methane gas you release into the environment by consuming energy. To get a better idea of how consuming something adds to your carbon footprint take the example of paper. Let’s say that plants take 5 units of energy to become trees. It
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