Trying Every Type Of Melon | The Big Guide | Epicurious

Chef Adrienne Cheatham breaks down everything there is to know about getting the most out of melons. From knowing how to tell when each is ripe to demonstrating a few crowd-pleasing ways to serve them up, chef Adrienne will get you up-to-speed on every aspect of working with melons in the kitchen. Follow Chef Adrienne on Instagram at @chefadriennecheatham Director: Gunsel Pehlivan Director of Photography: Kevin Dynia Editor: Boris Khaykin Host and Expert: Adrienne Cheatham Director of Culinary Production: Kelly Janke Coordinating Producer: Tommy Werner Culinary Producer: Kat Bo...ytsova Line Producer: Jen McGinity Associate Producer: Michael Cascio, Dimitri Lazarashvili Production Manager: Janine Dispensa Production Coordinator: Elizabeth Hymes Camera Operator: Jake Robbins Audio: Kurt Pierce Production Assistant: Nikki Ligos Hair & Make Up: Nina Blue Culinary Assistant: Jessica Do, Leslie Raney Research Director: Ryan Harrington Copy and Recipe Editor: Vivian Jao Post Production Supervisor: Stephanie Cardone Post Production Coordinator: Scout Alter Supervising Editor: Eduardo Araujo Assistant Editor: Billy Ward -- 0:00 Introduction 0:20 A Brief Note On The Family 0:57 Chapter 1 - Cucumis 1:03 Cantaloupe 2:51 Tuscan Cantaloupe 4:04 Honeydew 5:49 Canary Melon 7:18 Galia Melon 8:54 Ivory Gaya Melon 10:09 Zerbinati Sun Sweet 12:20 Hami Melon 13:47 Crenshaw Melon 15:28 Korean Melon 16:41 Christmas Melon 17:48 Chapter 2 - Citrullus 17:50 Watermelon 19:47 Yellow Watermelon 21:28 Wrap Up Still haven’t subscribed to Epicurious on YouTube? ►► ABOUT EPICURIOUS Browse thousands of recipes and videos from Bon Appétit, Gourmet, and more. Find inventive cooking ideas, ingredients, and restaurant menus from the world’s largest food archive.
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