In this English lesson you’ll learn about unexpected things. Sometimes life is fairly routine, every day seems the same, and nothing happens randomly or out of the blue. Sometimes, however, your day or week can take an unexpected turn. Sometimes something unexpected happens. In this free English class I’ll help you learn about over 35 of those types of things.
In this lesson I’ll help you learn English words and phrases like: a flat tire, a cliffhanger, free samples, freak storm, sprayed by a skunk, inheritance, black ice, a surprise party and more!
I hope you enjoy this free English class a
...bout unexpected things and I hope it helps you learn just a little bit more English!
Have a great day!
⌛ Remember: Always watch the video three times. Twice today with English subtitles on, and once tomorrow with the English subtitles off. This will reinforce the English you have learned!
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