Frequently asked questions:
Is this really 8K?
Depends what you consider to be ’really 8K’. I downloaded the video in 4K from and did some upscaling to 8K. You can be the judge here, but I really don’t deserve any credit for this lol.
So what’s the point then? Isn’t Nyan Cat pixel art anyway?
Try watching it in 144p and you’ll see the problem, it’s all blurry! I upscaled it so it would still look like perfect pixel art even viewed on a full 8K display. It’s also more of a test of capabilities - although these days most new computers and maybe even some smartphones can play 8K without much difficulty, back when this was uploaded this wasn’t the case.
But still... why?
I made this video when I was 13 and I had just finally got a semi-decent computer to make videos with and I wanted to play around with it a bit. I’m not sure why I chose Nyan Cat but it was 12 hours long because 720 minutes is the maximum limit I could upload to YouTube at the time (believe me - I tried to make them longer, I know other channels have managed it at various times but I never did). I definitely wouldn’t make a video like this nowadays - the loop button exists and I prefer making my own original content, no matter how rubbish it is. But given it’s getting a fair amount of views I have no plans to take it down now..
How long did this take to render?
Actually really not long at all. I used a tool called ffmpeg, and I only actually made it do the work for upscaling a few seconds of the original video. I could then loop this by stitching these pieces together a few thousand times and then adding the audio without reprocessing this, so it was a really fast process. The hard part was actually just getting all the commands right - especially because my new computer didn’t actually have any headphones or speakers or anything yet, checking it was all correct was a nightmare!
How long did it take to upload/process?
Uploading itself really wasn’t that long, maybe an hour or two - I had a decent fibre to the cabinet broadband connection and the video itself, being pixel art, only came out to something like 10-20GB (interestingly, YouTube’s processed 8K version seems to be a bit larger than this if you download it). There may be a way to have made it more efficiently to take up less space, but this really isn’t my area of expertise lol. Processing took a few days in comparison, and even after it was done getting it being available in full 8K was inconsistent for literally years.
How much money do you make from this?
Absolutely nothing. I do not monetise my channel in any way, and this video has been copyright claimed anyway.
It certainly isn’t much, but the amount of watch time and views this video has been getting over the past year is still something. Knowing that, no matter how I feel, statistically around 30 people are watching a video I uploaded right now, is kinda cool. So, thank you for reading this, and thank you very much for watching. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
1 view
5 months ago 00:26:07 1
Плейлист, под который удобно думать,что ты котёнок-поварёнок 🐱🐾
5 months ago 00:02:24 1
Alugalug Cat X The Kiffness (Soulful Singing Cat Live Looping Remix)
5 months ago 00:03:41 1
The Kiffness - Alugalug Cat (International Symphonic Mashup)
5 months ago 00:03:37 1
Nyan Cat! [Official]
5 months ago 00:03:11 1
The Kiffness x Alugalug Cat 2.0 - Please Go Away (Flamenco Edit) ft. Spaul
6 months ago 00:03:20 1
Ручная пума заботится о своём человеке! Пума Месси может стать лучшей няней
6 months ago 00:03:25 1
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The Kiffness x Oh Long Johnson 2.0 - Hold Onto My Fur (Talking Cat Song)
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Oh Long Johnson x The Kiffness (Talking Cat Live Looping Reggae Remix)
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6 months ago 00:21:28 1
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7 months ago 00:00:58 1
Cat makes EPIC Spanish song! 💃🏻
7 months ago 00:03:27 1
The Kiffness x Spaul x Oh Long Johnson 2.0 - Hold Onto My Fur (Talking Cat Song)
8 months ago 00:00:45 1
8 months ago 00:00:00 1
8 months ago 01:00:01 1
Нян Кэт [1 час] (Nyan Cat original [1 hour] HD 720p.)