The Voice Of Change - To the memory of Iepe Rubingh

The Voice Of Change song lirics by Marat Shakhmanov, music by Eugene Kalinteeva, vocals by Zulfiya Arkhilaeva, arrangement by Ahmed Arkhilaev. Stage version of the song It premiered in the play “Joker. The last move“ on February . Dedication to Iepe Rubingh The Philosophical Pilgrim theater Dedicated to Iepe B.T. Rubingh Written and directed by Marat Shakhmanov Actors and performers: Joker - Nikita Kondratenko Jill - Sabina Musalimova John Lofissier aka The Officer - Alexey Savin Horus - Vadim Gusev Daria Savina is Betty. Karina Belkina is the reporter Max - Alexander Yerakhtin Jacko ...- Yulia Shalimova The Ghost Boxer - Egor Vlasov Girls: Olga Bulanova, Maya Ermakova. Ensemble of the Irish Dance School “Eirindance“. And also Daniil Soloviev, Timofey Deineko, Anton.
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