How to Do the Zouk Infinity Step | Latin Dance

Full Playlist: - - Like these Ballroom Dance Lessons !!! Check out the official app Watch more How to Latin Dance videos: Speaker 1: Hey, It’s Ashley and Henry. Today, we’re going to be showing you the infinity step. Speaker 2: The infinity step, and the Brazilian sweep. So, we’re going to demonstrate for you first. It goes like this -- basic, one chick-chick, five chick-chick, doom chick-chick, doom chick-chick, doom chick-chick, doom chick-chick, one chick-chick, five chick-chick, doom chick-chick, doom. Yes, so, that’s it. Basic infinity in zuck. We do it over and over again, so you’re always going to see that awesome move. There’s different variations but, we want to show you the basic concept of it, OK. First, let me teach you the guy’s footwork. We bot
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