Beethoven: Symphony No. 2, 2nd movement | Paavo Järvi and the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen

Paavo Järvi and the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen. As psychologists know – as does just about everyone else - music has the power to influence your mood. Classical music has a wide spectrum of emotions, and a grim piece can make a foul mood even worse. So it’s best to choose something that will put you in the state of mind you want to be in. Feeling down, confined, frustrated or dull? Then listen to the second movement of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 2 in D Major, opus 36. It’s likely to give you a lift. This is from Deutsche Welle’s recording of all nine Beethoven symphonies as performed at the Beethovenfest Bonn 2010 by the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen led by its principal conductor Paavo Järvi. Marked Larghetto (slightly slow), this movement be described as a pure and simple song, carried along by a quietly flowing melody. Just the right thing to soothe the spirit. Even the slightly sad passage in the middle only serves to underline the overall cheer. Or in the more flowery words of maybe Beethoven’s biggest fan, the composer Hector Berlioz: “It is a ravishing picture of innocent pleasure which is scarcely shadowed by a few melancholy accents.“ Actually, Beethoven had many biggest fans, and we hope that you will be one of them. Deutsche Welle and Unitel Classica present Estonian conductor Paavo Järvi, conductor of the year 2019, and the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, recorded at the Beethovenfest in Bonn. #Beethoven2nd #PaavoJaervi #DeutscheKammerphilharmonieBremen Listen and watch – your personal concert hall Subscribe to DW Classical Music:
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