I hosted the opening concert of the first Beijing Accordion Festival for the first time

This was in Beijing on August 9, 1993. I hosted the first China International Accordion Festival for the first time. The videotape has been stored in my office for 28 years. It is well protected and still has music and images, In the past few days, the government issued an order requiring classes to be suspended and to remain static. I spend a lot of time at home and organize historical data. These four players are still active in training accordion talents in Russia, Denmark and Australia. Bless them four I also hope to be inspired and encouraged! At that time I was not very wealthy, but I loved the accordion career and opened the door of Chinese accordion. I almost used up all my salary and lecture fees, as well as the manuscript fee for Jiang Jie’s accordion tutorial, which has published millions of copies! With the help of such a large-scale accordion festival and international accordion competitions, with the assistance of Li Cong, chairman of the Shanghai Accordion Association, an
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