Jyc Row & Gabriel Borza - Protector [守り者 / Mamorisha] (Infinite Eclipse Origin - Opening 01) [ft. X]

NEW INFINITE ECLIPSE DISCORD SERVER: INFINITE ECLIPSE PREQUEL MINI-STORIES: INFINITE ECLIPSE ORIGIN LORE: INFINITE ECLIPSE ORIGIN PLAYLIST: Get P@D - Pandemonium here: Heya everyone! First of all: no, there won’t be an anime about IEO, obviously. However, I still wanted to make a song that’d be considered as an “anime opening“ for it even though it’ll be nothing more than a novel series (nothing more is planned at the moment)! I thought it’d be fun, plus it’s also to say that, in my mind, I see IEO as a manga/anime while working on it. This opening would be for the first volume of the novel series, so you can more or less imagine the tone of it with that song! I was inspired by the first opening of Demon Slayer to compose this track and, as you might certainly recognized the leitmotiv, it also has been heavily inspired by “Together, Against the Sisters“! Also, huge props and thanks to Wither for the outstanding artwork you can see in the video (which will also be available as a poster at Galacon this year)! I really love how it turned out, with all the main characters of the first volume there as well as the Primordial Pantheon in the background. Speaking of those characters, if you want to know more about them, check the lore document that is linked above or join the Infinite Eclipse discord server! The song is named “Mamorisha“, meaning “Protector“ which is an important job in IEO, and there are many different kind of Protectors in Equestera! Originally, this song was supposed to celebrate the release of the first volume of IEO but, unfortunately, things happened and the book is delayed (we’re still trying to figure out when it’ll be done). Though, I still wanted to share it and eventually make more people interested in this project! Regarding the amazing singer I worked with on that track - I contractually cannot credit her, which is why she’s featured as “X“. Nonetheless, it was a real pleasure to work with her and she did an absolutely fantastic job with the vocals here! And, as always, huge round of applause for Gabriel who once again delivered amazing guitar and drums! :D Finally, I wanted to say that I HOPE to be able to release this year, on this channel, the prologue of Infinite Eclipse Origin as an audiobook. I’ll try to do my best to have the highest quality possible but keep in mind that it’ll be a test, to see if people are interested in that. Considering that making the audiobook is a project that needs a very big budget, I’ll unfortunately not be able to complete it if not enough people are interested. Crowdfunding would be one solution but I first need to see if people like that format (since most of people here are simply subscribed to my channel for pony-related music). While IEO exists mainly because of MLP, it doesn’t contain anything that is directly related to the show (for obvious copyright reasons) which is why I fear not many people will not be interested in IEO. In any case, hope you’ll enjoy this opening! Project, composition, orchestral instruments, mixing and mastering by Jyc Row Guitars and drums by Gabriel Borza Lyrics, top-line melody and vocals by X Vocal mixing and effect by Aaron Bryn Artwork by Wither Slayer-73: Free download: Support: GABRIEL BORZA Youtube: Twitter: Instagram: Fiverr: JYC ROW Patreon: Bandcamp: Soundcloud: Twitter: PONIES AT DAWN YouTube: Bandcamp: Soundcloud: Twitter:
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