How to Reveal Subatomic Particles at Home | NOVA
Here’s a way you can reveal subatomic particles that are shooting in front of your eyes all the time.
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Produced, animated, and edited by
Greg Kestin
A special thanks to:
Anna Rothschild
Lauren Aguirre
Ari Daniel
Demonstration and lighting technician:
Allen Crockett
Original Footage
© WGBH Educational Foundation 2015
Media Credits:
“Microscopy” APM Music, Music
Where to buy dry ice:
U.S. Dry Ice Distributor Directory:
Outside U.S.:
Some grocery stores also carry dry ice.
Experiment Instructions:
Materials: Jar & lid, sponge, 91% rubbing alcohol (or greater % purity; not 70%), permanent black marker, flashlight, and dry ice.
• Step 1: Stuff the sponge in the botto