Flat vs. Round Earth: Exploring the Controversy with Alex Collier!

Join us for an intriguing exploration with Alex Collier, a recognized Andromedan contactee, as he delves into one of the most debated topics in our 17th full question-and-answer webinar, held on December 3, 2021🌌: “Flat Earth or Round Earth? Why is it so important?“🌍. In this enlightening video, Alex addresses the long-standing debate between the flat Earth and round Earth theories. He sheds light on the reasons behind the significance of Earth’s shape in both scientific and metaphysical contexts. This session is more than just a discussion on Earth’s form; it’s an exploration of how our perception of the world shapes our understanding of the universe and our place in it🔭. Whether you’re a science enthusiast, a seeker of cosmic knowledge, or simply curious about this age-old debate, this video provides a comprehensive and thought-provoking perspective. We invite you to support our channel with a like👍, subscribe, and tap the bell icon
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