20200319_Filip Rakowski - Making eCommerce sexy again with Vue Storefront and Composition API

Filip Rakowski - Making eCommerce sexy again with Vue Storefront and Composition API Co-founder @VueStorefront | Author @StorefrontUI | Developer @DivanteLtd | Community Partner [club95810781|@vuejs] | Writes on @VueSchool_io Vue Storefront is currently the biggest Open Source eCommerce frontend that works with any backend platform and already has more than 60 live shops. For the past 2 years we are constantly improving our solution but we came to the point where architecture became a limitation... so we decided to do a rewrite and use the latest Vue features. As one of the first big projects in the world on Vue 3 we had a chance to explore and adapt new amazing patterns brought by Composition API. During this talk you will learn how using new Vue 3 features can bring developer experience to a completely new level! Vuejs Amsterdam 20th, 21st Feb 2020 🧡2494 Attendees over 2 Days 🧡Flying in from 50 Countries 🧡16 Talks from JS Leaders 🧡20 Sponsors Largest Vue Conference and Community Event in the World 🌍 Sign up and be first to get notified about Vuejs Amsterdam 2021 Follow us on Social LinkedIn Twitter Facebook Instagram Powered by Passionate People Want to join their quest to be the lead Vue Consultancy on the planet? ;) Follow on Social LinkedIn Twitter #frontendlove #frontenddeveloperlove #vuejsamsterdam #vueamsterdam
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