doctor who companion melody of death (she has been dead since the beginning)

Doctor Who companions’ stories are so often, inherently tragic, especially New Who companions whose companion exits are treated much more tragically than Classic Who companions. New Who companions don’t stop travelling in the TARDIS if they feel they want to stop, they either are endangered by the Doctor’s actions (Martha, Donna) or are ripped away from the Doctor (Rose, Amy). There need to be extreme circumstances for the companion to stop traveling, as the companions see no reason to stop. So, these extreme circumstances are often death. Bill and Clara both exist in semi-alive forms. The moment the companion steps into the TARDIS, they have been doomed by the narrative to some horrible fate to stop them from traveling with the Doctor for the rest of their life. Ruby Sunday has been dead since the beginning. By virtue of having become the Doctor’s companion, has been doomed by the narrative, and already has an omen of death or some tragic fate orbiting her. Thinking about Millie Gibson leaving Doctor Who is much too early, but Ruby is doomed. It’s not that the Doctor wants to endanger people, but the nature of the show’s narrative? There’s no way around it. And I love a good tragedy.
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