Reconfigurable Multicore Quantum Architecture (4x16)

In this video, IonQ opens the door to dramatically more powerful quantum computers by debuting an industry first: Reconfigurable Multicore Quantum Architecture (RMQA). Underpinning the creation of RMQA is a new type of patent-pending technology: IonQ’s ion trap, called the Evaporated Glass Trap (EGT) Series. Designed at the micron level by a team led by UC Berkeley Physics PhD and ex-GTRI and -NIST researcher Jason Amini, the EGT Series offers iterative scalability and unprecedented levels of ion confinement, improved ion lifetime, and reduced ion heating. We’ve used an ultra-high-resolution camera to record four chains of 16 atomic ions simultaneously held, shuttled, split, and merged in a single ion trap. The ion chains are transported and merged into permutations of a higher-connectivity, 32-ion quantum computing core, allowing for scaling to large numbers of qubits without the fidelity loss that historically accompanies very long chains of ions. Each chain increases the quantum computational power by
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