SPARKASSE COVID 19 KILLERS FAKING BANK STATMENTS. FRAUD ATTEMPTED MURDER COLLUDING WITH SAP NAZIS GERMANY MILITARY KEVIN KLAPCHEHE TO KILL HUMANS. STSI INFOR,MANTS ALL OVER COUCHSURFING IN GERMANY. The goal of Zersetzung is the fragmentation, paralysis, disorganization, and isolation of the hostile and negative forces, in order to preventative impede the hostile and negative activities, to largely restrict, or to totally avert them, and if applicable to prepare the ground for a political and ideological reestablishment. Zersetzung is equally an immediate constitutive element of “operational procedures“ and other preventive activities to impede hostile gatherings. The principal force employed to implement Zersetzung are the unofficial collaborators such as Feminazis, LGTB, SNP, BLM, Nazis, restaurant owners, Dbahn drivers, Doctors, Nurses, General Practitioners, Banks, Hotels, Hostels, Apotakes, Dentists, Airbnb, Gestapo Supermarkets, Train Stations, Airports creating hate mobs to cover up fake human rights and political asylum as well as faking covid with CDU and SPD taking Billion Euro Bribes to torture humans to death creating mass hate mobs that are now multicultural so you cant escape. Zersetzung presupposes information and significant proof of hostile activities planned, prepared,and accomplished as well as anchor points corresponding to measures of Zersetzung. Zersetzung has been executed against me starting in Meerbusch with clinical mental disturbed people executed in a uniform and supervised manner; Gestapo make sure nothing is recorded all evidence is destroyed in a holocaust type extermination mainly with poison, electrocution, bone torture, sonic torture, street performance and blocking internet. The political explosive force of Zersetzung heightens demands regarding the maintenance of secrecy exactly like with the people constructing fake human rights, covid and mass construction at the expense of human life most likely conducted . Zersetzung “decomposition“, although it can be variously translated as “decay“, “corrosion“, “undermining“, “biodegradation“, or “dissolution“. The term was first used in a prosecutorial context in Nazi Germany, can be described as the active application of psychological destabilization which never left Germany they have just devised even more evil ways to exterminate people. Nazi Germany was and is chosen as human rights sanctuary because if a Western country wants to dispose of someone they know should not be killed Politically Correct Stasi Zersetzung is the number one killer in the world not war. Therefore, nations conduvcted these devil like tactics win hu,man rights awards. They would then devise a strategy to “disintegrate“ the target’s personal circumstances. They would even seek to alienate them from their children. [...] The security service’s goal was to use Zersetzung to “switch off“ regime opponents. After months and even years of Zersetzung a victim’s domestic problems grew so large, so debilitating, and so psychologically burdensome that they would lose the will to struggle against fake modern multicultural Germany. Best of all, the Stasi’s role in the victim’s personal misfortunes remained tantalizingly hidden. The Stasi operations were carried out in complete operational secrecy. The service acted like an unseen and malevolent god, manipulating the destinies of its victims.
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