WHEN ANARCHY WILL COME - famous italian anarchic song | “Quando l’anarchia verrà“

Hey, Anarchink here! As we all could see, even in 2022 the human race ended up in war again, ignoring the true values ​​of life such as freedom, love, peace... Meanwhile, around the world, many pacifist and anarchist movements have begun to protest against the war in Ukraine marching in the cities, posting pacifist posts on socials and singing anarchist songs. A famous Italian anarchic song is this, “Quando l’anarchia verrà“ (When anarchy will come). A song that ages like wine, a true anarchic hymn with a sweet melody but with a deep and strong message: when anarchy will come, the agony will end “. Brothers, enjoy! =========================== Lyrics (IT): Quando l’anarchia verrà tutto il mondo sarà trasformato e nei governi sarà il ricordo d’infame passato. L’aborrito confin sparirà così pure preti e soldati e nel mondo sol resterà l’ideale in cui siamo animati. E allor nel cuor pensando all’avvenire cesserà lo strazio ed il soffrire E allor nel cuor pensando all’avvenire cesserà lo strazio ed il soffrire =========================== Lyrics (EN): When anarchy will come the whole world will be transformed and in governments it will be the memory of the infamous past. The abhorred border will disappear so too priests and soldiers and in the world only will remain the ideal in which we are animated. And then in the heart thinking about what’s to come will cease the agony and the suffering And then in the heart thinking about what’s to come will cease the agony and the suffering =========================== * english translation subtitles available *
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