The Rise and Redemption of the Indigenous American Niiji Spirit ~ A short biopic 🎬
This video is a sincere expression of my thoughts, feelings and personal experiences throughout my journey. A short biopic giving you a look inside the lives of those who have been directly affected and impacted by the tremendous challenges and difficulties throughout our history here in America. Though times have been rough and filled with desolation and despair, we have still managed to maintain our dignity and integrity, and to continue to grow, thrive and flourish against all odds and for that I am sincerely and truly grateful. ☀️😌🙏🏽
Peace, love and prosperity to all the family out there raising the vibration, uplifting and empowering the Indigenous peoples of The Earth. May we all find our way and live our best life now. This work is an offering, and dedication to the ancient ancestors and our legacy. All praises and glory to the Almighty.
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