RS-28 Sarmat- How dangerous is the Russian Super Heavy Missile

The RS-28 Sarmat is a super heavy and long-range Russian Intercontinental ballistic missile ICBM. It is one of the sixth new weapons, the Russian President Putin revealed in 2018. The RS-28 Sarmat could deliver a payload of 10 tons to anywhere in the world. Sarmat also known as Satan 2 is a liquid-fueled ICBM under development since 2009. It has performed different tests and is expected to enter service in 2022. It will replace the aging SS-18 Satan system. RS-28 has greater load capacity, range, and speed. Its 10-tons payload will include 10 to 15 MIRV warheads and it can also be utilized to ...carry hypersonic glide vehicles. The Avangard a Russian hypersonic glide vehicle can fly at Mach 20 speed, 7.1 km/s or 20 times faster than sound speed. Such kind of tremendous speed and ability to change the flight path, and altitude make it an unstoppable object Russia claims RS-28 can penetrate any defense shield. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NHN New Horizon YouTube ► Twitter ► Facebook ► Instagram ► -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #missile #military #russian military
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