Edit: Thank you for 1M views! I hope you can all continue to enjoy this amazing song... and sing along too.
Song of the Sea by Lisa Hannigan
These lyrics are from the official album.
Between the here, Between the now
Between the North, Between the South
Between the West, Between the East
Between the time, Between the place
From the shell
The Song of the Sea
Neither quiet nor calm
Searching for love again,
Mo ghrá (My love)
Between the winds, Between the waves
Between the sands, Between the shores
From the shell
The Song of the Sea
Neither quiet nor calm
Searching for love again,
Between the stones, Between the storms
Between belief, Between the seas
Tá mé i dtiúin (I am in tune)
I own nothing in this video except the actual editing itself.
Music and lyrics belong to Bruno Coulais and Lisa Hannigan. Song of the Sea is a beautiful movie which deserves more