CITiZAN Skills - flint handaxe technical drawing.

Fancy a new drawing challenge? Welcome to our very brief introduction to flint handaxe technical drawing. Why do we still draw things? The advent and use of photography and the more modern iteration of photogrammetry means archaeologists no longer have to provide a hand drawn representation of an artefact. However, hand drawn artefact illustration still has its place in archaeology as a drawing can selectively portray details, it can edit out irrelevant information and one drawing can provide information (different views, sections) which would be more difficult to derive from one photograph. Artefact technical illustrations must contain all the information required to understand what the item is and the information should be recorded as accurately as possible with measurements and scales kept consistent. If the illustration achieves all this then job done! If it is also aesthetically pleasing then that is a bonus but not essential. So, go a watch and a doodle!
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