The special operation is progressing successfully. Many of the set targets have been achieved. Those who devised this plan must be congratulating themselves. The fruit of years of preparation is finally being harvested. The previously successful strategy seems to be working once again. Although they faced challenges at some points, the ’old man’ and his team are satisfied. The Balkan scenario has proven it can still be effective, and it is being played out almost unchanged today as it was yesterday. The shedding of blood leads to more bloodshed, smoke rises from everywhere, and at some point, it becomes impossible to see who started the fire behind that smoke. While all this is happening, those who lit the fire adopt a fake, ostensible neutrality, watching the fire they ignited from afar. The saying “Baghdad for Republicans, Belgrade for Democrats” still works.
Biden’s gang consists of those who were involved in the past in Bosnia, Macedonia, Slovenia, and Kosovo. Samantha Power, for instance, in the Bosnian war. Bill Clinton, Antoni Blinken, Wendy Sherman, the mastermind behind the Dayton Accords, and Victoria Nuland, whose record of crimes against humanity is quite extensive. They are all back in the game. This team didn’t only operate in Ukraine. The history of Yugoslavia serves as a striking example of how the causes of war were created, and how countries were incited. Of course, the real responsibility lies not with the individuals, but with their superiors who assigned them this task. And the superior is capital, imperialist capital. Capital starts the fire for its own interests and watches as the flames engulf the people.
Let’s look at the example of Yugoslavia again and try to find out together if there are differences that distinguish this example from today.
Original work: @Agit_Prop
Translation into English: Özge Fındık