Pixel Gun 3D. {#7} Firecrackers max lvl [Gameplay & Review]
💣Pixel gun 3D:Survival Shooter & Battle Royale
🎥Recent interesting videos(Недавние интересные видео):
1). Gold division weapons review(обзор на все пушки из золотого дивизиона):
2). Steel division weapons(обзор на все пушки из стального дивизиона):
3). Wooden division weapons(обзор на все пушки из деревянного дивизиона):
4). Pixel Gun 3D. Second acc walkthrough [My clan was bug and I got EMPEROR!] {#23}:
5). Pixel Gun 3D. Second acc walkthrough [Magic Brawl completed] {#24}:
6). My clan was bug!!:
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1). If you put dislike, then write the reason that you did not like. I will note your comment with displeasure and try to correct the error (unless of course you write a normal remark, and not like: “You are down.“, “You are a noob“, “Your video is bottom“ and the like.)
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🎶Музыка в интро(Music in intro):
Miami Nights 1984 - Accelerated
🎶Музыка в аутро(Music in autro):
Asketa & Natan Chaim-Alone (feat Kyle) [ncs release]
🎶Music in video(Музыка в видео):
Use “Shazam“ to find out music(Используйте “Shazam“, чтобы узнать музыку)
#Nemesis_PG #Pixelgun3d #YouTube
1 view
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