ORIGAMI MOVING CUBES 2 (Jo Nakashima) - no tape/glue!

How to make the origami Moving Cubes 2 Designed by Jo Nakashima (06/2019) Support my channel! In this tutorial you’ll learn how to make the origami Moving Cubes 2 step by step. This is a modular origami and each cube is made from a single square sheet of paper, all connected without glue nor tape. It’s also a very fun action model and the cubes will move when you press two pair of cubes from oposite corners. In this version there’s more movement than in the first origami Moving Cubes: the corner cubes goes up and down and middle cubes rotate in different directions. See also the first Moving Cubes: More cube based origami: #origami #MovingCubes ► Some videos to help you make the 5x5 grid easily: ● Use the first sheet to fold the 5x5 grid quickly: ● Alternative method to fold 5ths: ► DIFFICULTY LEVE
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