1979: The MOD REVIVAL | Nationwide | Retro Fashion | BBC Archive
James Hogg reports on the mod revival currently taking place in London. He interviews Ian Page - the vocalist with the new mod group Secret Affair - and John Entwistle of mod’s elder statesmen The Who. Is the mod rebirth just a flash-in-the-pan, motivated by money, or is there more to it than that?
The whole affair is regarded with some amusement in Yorkshire, where the mod scene never really went away, and where there are still several thriving scooter clubs. What do these veteran mods make of what is happening down in London?
Originally broadcast 13 September, 1979.
To mark the BBC’s 100th birthday, our wonderful archivists have been asked to pick THEIR favourite BBC moments.
“Semi-mythical item (purely as very few people seem to have seen it, and has never to my knowledge ever been re-used in any archive programmes). Captures the late 1970s Mod revival at a pivotal point, and looks at the scene in northern England as well as London.“ - Andy
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