The Boy Who Cried Wolf Musical Story I Bedtime Story I Fables I Moral Story I The Teolets

The Boy Who Cried Wolf Musical Story I Bedtime Story I Fables I Moral Story I The Teolets You are watching “The Boy Who Cried Wolf,“ an Aesop’s fable recreated by ’The Teolets’. This fable teaches a timeless moral lesson- don’t ’cry wolf’! If you play a practical joke on somebody, they won’t believe you when something really bad happens; you will lose their trust. The Boy Who Cried Wolf, is a fable that teaches a lesson about lying, using a shepherd boy, his sheep and a wolf to convey a powerful message. In a peaceful village, there was a boy who used to take the sheep out to graze in the meadow. He was so bored that he started to lie about a wolf showing up. The villagers came running to help but were fooled every time. One day, when the wolf actually showed up, no one believed the shepherd boy and he lost all his sheep. The boy learnt his lesson the hard way, that lying can be dangerous as lying regularly will make you untrustworthy and no one trusts a liar. If you have enjoyed watching this video, then
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