Жизнь алтайцев / Life with the Altai people - 1920s

Жизнь алтайцев Фотограф Данилин Андрей Григорьевич Первая четверть ХХ в. Life with the Altai people Photographer Andrey Grigorievich Danilin First quarter of the twentieth century Музыка: Традиционный фольклор Алтая 1.Поехал казак на чужбину 2.Хмелюшка-хмелёк 3. Ой, не слыхала у нас Катенька Music: Traditional folk songs from Altai 1. Cossack went to a foreign land 2. Hop-hop 3. Oh, Katya has not heard from us The Altai Republic is a federal subject of Russia. It is geographically located in the West
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