Far-right party incite anti-Muslim feelings in London

(24 Apr 2016) LEAD IN Radical British political party Britain First is regularly holding anti-Muslim protests near London mosques. The East London Mosque is a favourite target for the far-right protesters. The local Muslim community is worried with the recent developments, which coincide with the launch of immigration policies that make life harder for migrants living in the UK. STORY-LINE Paul Golding’s chanting offers no doubt about his vision of a Muslim-free Britain. The leader of the far-right party Britain First and his affiliates have a clear agenda against Muslims in the UK, their traditions and especially their religion. “This is a Christian country and we will do everything, everything in our power will be done to drive Islam out of this country forever,“ says Jayda Fransen, Britain First’s deputy leader. The East London Mosque in Tower Hamlets is a favourite target of the extremists and police has avoided the escalation of minor scuffles w
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