In this video, we talk about wonderful world (2024) 원더풀월드, a korean drama starring a good day to be a dog (2023) actor cha eun-woo along with kim nam-joon, kim kang-woo and Lim Se-Mi, the korean drama is written by Kim Ji-Eun, and directed by Lee Seung-Young. Wonderful World will air on mbc and Disney taking over MBC’s Friday and Saturday 21:50 time slot previously occupied by knight flower.
Enjoy and let us know which kdrama and kmovie you’re most excited about.
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#wonderfulworld #원더풀월드 #agooddaytobeadog #chaeunwoo #viral #kdrama #kimnamjoon #kimkangwoo #mbc #mbcdrama #koreandrama #knightflower