Half-Life Speedrun in 26:09[World Record]

Twitch VOD w/ music: Half-Life leaderboards: Tense soundpack: Watch me try to get sub 26 here: Took me 3000 attempts since September to get a new proper PB and beat Kana by one second. Many unfortunate moments in the run, I even felt the WR slipping away in Xen, but I clinged on and managed to finish it. The race for sub 26 is firing on all cylinders now, here’s hoping that third time lucky after all those battles with Maxam and I get to be first to break a minute barrier, this time against Kana. After that, if no major breakthroughs happen in the game, I am retiring from this category fo...r good. It’s been an amazing 5 years. Timestamps: 00:00 Anomalous Materials 04:14 Unforeseen Consequences 05:26 Office Complex 06:26 “We’ve Got Hostiles!“ 06:37 Blast Pit 10:07 Power Up 10:18 On a Rail 12:56 Apprehension 15:04 Timeloss Processing 16:33 Questionable Ethics 18:12 Surface Tension 20:57 “Forget about Freeman!“ 21:35 Lambda Core 23:22 Xen 23:56 Gonarch’s Lair 25:23 Interloper 26:18 Nihilanth 26:37 Man can’t even be happy for a new WR smh
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