El Nulevoe – Red Tape Affairs

Griffon thrash is back innit mates. Fastest thing i’ve ever written. A massive international calamity! Even in a sunshine and rainbows fantasy horse land utopia, there are governing powers, and they occasionally screw up big time. We find ourselves at a congress where a certain territorial matter is being discussed. It better not end with a war or something like that, hopefully both parties are sane and respectable... You can waste your money on me here: – Bandcamp – Boosty (now with 135 rubles) – Streaming, spotify, apple, tidal etc. Social stuff: – Twitter – Twitch grazdech – Discord tag Credits: Cover art: BATAVERN () Graffiti logo: INM4TE Everything else: le me I--------------------------------------------------------------------------------I L Y R I C S abmestic douse
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